Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (Airborne)

      2 products

      The Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC) is an Army-run medical school with a Navy Special Warfare component at Fort Bragg, N.C., home of Army Special Operations. Army Combat Medics, Ranger, SOAR flight medics, Civil Affairs medics, Special Forces medics, and Navy SARC, SEAL and SWCC medics attend the Special Operations Combat Medic Course (SOCM) of instruction for their next-level training to becoming a Special Operations combat medic. The Navy detachment component of the JSOMTC is called the Navy Special Operations Medical Institute (NSOMI).


      Educate and train the full spectrum of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Combat Medics through superior teaching and instruction based on educational goals and curriculum development that is synchronized with the requirements of the force.


      The Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center will create well-educated and professionally trained NCO’s with a solid understanding of the knowledge and skills required by the force to provide standard of care medical treatment, regardless of the conditions. We will ensure they have a thorough foundation in medicine which fosters a career of life-long learning in order to adapt to ever changing medical challenges posed by an uncertain operational environment.

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